
The Office of Space Planning (OSP) will perform an annual space audit to maintain the accuracy of the space inventory and floor plans. This data will be used for ongoing analysis to determine adequate space allocation.
OSP will use adopted standards and guidelines to determine the square footage needs of all departments for comparison to actual square footage in use.
When a Major Administrative Unit (MAU) determines that additional space is needed beyond that which is currently allocated, a formal request for space must be submitted to OSP.
Note: The information below is a copy of the PDF linked in the button above.
Space Changes Procedures
Applies to:
All Major Administrative Units (MAUs) on the Las Cruces (Main) campus, including academic (I&G) space, auxiliaries, research, and all other types of space. Currently, the procedures do not apply to the community colleges, the Agricultural Science Centers statewide, Arrowhead Research Park, or leased properties and spaces with current leases in place.
Facilities & Services (FS), Office of Space Planning (OSP), has implemented procedures for all move types, changes of use or function, and additional or new program(s) space requests. Tent relocation procedures were implemented on January 1, 2023 (see item E).
To obtain AiM access:
1. Submit the ICT Computer Systems Access
1. The department submits a Customer Service Request on the AiM website.
a. Log into AiM.
b. Click on “Customer Service.”
c. Click on “Customer Request.”
d. Click on “New.”
e. Fill out the red box:
- Use “Space Request” for procedures A, B, C, and D below and add information for further explanation.
- Use “Space Management” for procedure E below and any other space data request (e.g., Floor plans, Occupancy, Graphical Reports, etc.) and add information for further explanation.
f. Complete all required sections highlighted in red.
g. When the form is complete, click the “Save” button at the top left, which will submit the request.
h. You will receive an automatic electronic response assigning a Customer Request number.
2. OSP will receive or be notified of your customer request and may ask additional questions regarding the move.
a. OSP may suggest routine maintenance as part of the move process.
3. OSP will do its best to respond directly to the request submission within seven business days.
A. Simple moves: Moves within the department or the major administrative unit (MAU):Submit a Customer Service Request (see #1 above) to Space Planning. Fill out the Space Request and Assessment Form. The form needs to be completed, signed, and submitted to A simple move is moving someone into an office within the same Department or MAU that has been vacated or exchanging offices/cubicles between staff in the same Department or MAU. A simple move does not involve structural, electrical, or system furniture changes.
B. Non-Simple Moves: Moves between major administrative units (MAU):Submit a Customer Service Request (see #1 above) to Space Planning. Fill out the Space Request and Assessment Form. The form needs to be completed, signed, and submitted to Space Planning will prepare the request for presentation to the Space Request Triage, the Space Committee, and the Chief Executive Team (CET). The CET has final approval of these types of moves.
C. Changes of Use or Function:Submit a Customer Service Request (see #1 above) to Space Planning. Fill out the Space Request and Assessment Form. The form needs to be completed, signed, and submitted to Space Planning will review the request, walk the space(s), and ask for additional information and images.
D. Additional or New Program(s) Space Request:Submit a Customer Service Request (see #1 above) to Space Planning. Fill out the Space Request and Assessment Form. The form needs to be completed, signed, and submitted to Space Planning will prepare the request for presentation to the Space Request Triage, the Space Committee, and the Chief Executive Team (CET). The CET has final approval of these types of moves.
E. Requesting Tent Relocations for 20’ x 20’ Tents:Submit a Customer Service Request (see #1 above) to Space Planning. Fill out the Request for Tent Relocation Form. The form needs to be completed, signed, and submitted to
- Only 20’ x 20’ tents are eligible for
- Tents may ONLY be used for student events and They may NOT be used for storage, vehicle/equipment shading, etc.
- The requestor may only request relocation for one (1) tent per year.
- The period to request tents will start February 1st (2/1) and end February 15th (2/15).
- Requests received before or after this period will not be considered for relocation.
- An index number will be required to fund the relocation of a tent as well as any seating (if requested and available). Estimated at $2,500 per tent , per move.
- Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis—you are not guaranteed a tent even if the form has been filled out and submitted appropriately within the request period.
- Tents that are moved upon request will remain at the requested location for one (1) year. After this time, there will be a renewal period that opens on January 15th (1/15) and closes on January 31st (1/31).
- If you fail to renew it during this time, your tent will be considered available for relocation.
- You may renew by emailing
- Notifications/reminders for renewal will be sent on January 15th (1/15).
- You may request a renewal once per tent move.
- After two years from the initial move date, tents will become eligible for relocation.
- Facilities & Services is not responsible for replacing or repairing any tents damaged by vandalism or acts of nature. Requests outside the requesting period (Feb 1 – Feb 15) will be allowed to replace damaged tents at the expense of the requestor, but only if there are tents available for relocation.
- You may use the Interactive Campus Map for reference.
For more information, contact the Office of Space Planning:
Phone: 575-646-7734
University Architect website:
Facilities & Services website:
Please see the following links for a complete description of the Facilities and Services Office of Space Planning procedures:
ARP 12.70 – Use of NMSU Facility Space
ARP 12.71 – Academic Facility Space Utilization and Scheduling
ARP 12.75 – Facility Space Use Management and Procedures